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Meet Your Fitness Goals

Massage Therapy can enhance your overall health. I think I’ve said this before, but what I haven’t said is how it can help you meet your fitness goals, whether it’s losing weight, or meeting a body lifting goal.
A lot of people hear about how massage therapy can boost your metabolism, which helps you lose weight. This is true. To an extent. You’re not going to shed 30 pounds by simply getting a massage twice a month. While it does boost your metabolism, it doesn’t boost it THAT much.
What massage DOES do is help supply your body with more oxygen and nutrients by increasing your circulation, which helps you recover quicker from strenuous exercise and helps your muscles recover and grow. This in and of itself can help you shed extra pounds.
When your circulation improves, your muscles are supplied with necessary nutrients in a much more efficient manner. Many weight loss experts will suggest and recommend receiving regular massage during your transformation with them simply because massage takes what they are teaching you and multiplies the results. Massage will help you burn your calories even at rest because well-maintained muscles work more efficiently. By receiving massage regularly, your range of motion will also increase, which will enable you to work out harder and work your muscles in ways you haven’t been able to in a long time.
Receiving regular massages can really help you meet your fitness goals. You will be able to relax better, sleep more soundly, and recover quicker from any workout you do. It will also help you detox your body more thoroughly, so you will get more out of your detoxing systems.
Staying healthy is more than just eating right and exercise. If your tissues are not functioning as best as they can, you won’t get the results you want very quickly. Don’t hesitate to schedule a massage, especially if you have fitness goals. Our very own Justin Hays is an amazing sports massage therapist. He really has a great knowledge of what the body goes through during exercise and knows how to tailor your massage to meet your needs, whether you are a runner, line backer, or just starting in your athletic health. Book a massage with Justin to help you start meeting your fitness goals quicker.
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