Under Pressure Therapeutics

I Like to Move It, Move It

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again and again: Massage Therapy can increase your range of motion.


We care about increasing your range of motion (ROM) because movement is life. When it’s more strenuous for you to move or painful for you to move or you can’t move to the standard extent the body should, we care.

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Decreased ROM makes everyday tasks more difficult. If you can’t turn your head all of the way, checking your blind spot can not only be painful, but dangerous. Not picking up your child or grandchild because you can’t lift your arm higher than breast level not only affects your physical pain, but emotional pain as well.


Not only does addressing ROM issues early help decrease your pain and add value to your lifestyle, it prevents further damaging, chronic conditions.


Upper Crossed Syndrome is a common condition that can be prevented or helped with deep tissue massage. Learning about UCS onmuscleimbalancesyndromes.com defines it as: “…  tightness of the upper trapezius and levator scapula on the dorsal side crosses with tightness of the pectoralis major and minor. Weakness of the deep cervical flexors ventrally crosses with weakness of the middle and lower trapezius. This pattern of imbalance creates joint dysfunction….”


What that means is the shoulders round forward and neck and head creep forward into having a forward head posture. This creates excess tension in through the brachial plexus, the group of nerves that come out of your spine to supply your arm, and causes numbness, tingling, decreased ROM, and decreased strength in arms and hands. All of this is based in muscle tension and dysfunction–symptoms deep tissue massage can reduce and aid in healing.


Not only can and do we deal with decreased range of motion in the shoulders and neck, our knowledge and abilities extend to each joint and muscle group of the body. We have helped with jaws, necks, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, upper back, mid back, lower back, hips, knees, ankles, and even toes. We have worked with general tension, minor injuries (many people will call them tweaks), standard injuries (sprains and strains), and serious injuries that may even lead to surgery. We also work with people recovering from surgery and help reeducate and reestablish healthy range of motion patterns after surgeries.


When muscles are tight, they pull on joints, making it more difficult for that joint to retain its full range of motion. Motion is life! It increases blood flow, which heals and nourishes each cell in your body. Your lymphatic system, or immune system, doesn’t have a pump and relies on your skeletal muscles to pump the lymph through your body, which aids in fighting diseases and sicknesses. Everything in your involuntary muscle system, ie. your digestive system, heart, etc, moves and contracts! If your intestines never moved or couldn’t move and contract the way they’re supposed to, you wouldn’t be able to move food through your body, which provides all of the necessary nutrients to keep you alive and healthy. If massage can help increase range of motion in your musculoskeletal system, why wouldn’t you strive to receive regular massage?


Whether it’s repetitive motion injury or tension or you were involved in an accident of some kind resulting in tissue damage, deep tissue massage can aid in healing, which will help you recover and keep you moving!
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