Site icon Under Pressure Therapeutics

What NOT to Say / Do with Your Massage Therapist

As a Massage Therapist, we get a lot of people who might say things that aren’t quite taken as well as you might think. It’s not because we are sensitive, it’s because we get people who say things that just aren’t okay and tend to be more inappropriate than you might think.

Here are some massage etiquette items and what not to say (or do) during your next massage with us:


Yes, pointing these out can be awkward. No, we aren’t calling anyone out, nor do we want YOU to feel uncomfortable in your next session if you have done one of these things. We just feel that laying it all out makes it clear on both ends what is expected during a massage.


Now here is what our massage therapists promise you:


Professional relationships can be a bit tricky, especially when you can connect so much with an individual. We do want you to share what you want to share about you and your life. We also want to maintain that appropriate distance. If you have questions about massage etiquette or what not to say or do during your next massage, don’t hesitate to ask.

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