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Is it okay to get a Deep Tissue Massage while Pregnant?

The short answer:

YES!! Absolutely yes! That’s why we offer Prenatal Massages.


Here’s why and what to look for to make sure your prenatal massage is safe.

We specialize in Deep Tissue massage and have helped thousands of people feel better. We work with car accidents to help people recover to their pre-accident state. We work with a lot of post-injury and post-operation clients as well. We also love helping pregnant women feel more comfortable throughout their pregnancy.


We look at how many changes the body goes through when growing a human, and it’s a lot! Not only is massage great for stress management and relaxation, which an expecting mother desperately needs, but Deep Tissue can be extremely beneficial for mommy-to-be.


Now to be clear: Deep Tissue is not exactly objective. It’s extremely subjective. It’s entirely up to the client and how the client is experiencing the pressure. What’s deep for one client is medium to another. That can also vary from massage to massage and body section to section. (There are clients who need less pressure on their legs or parts of their back, but it’s still deep for them.)


Depending on where you are in your pregnancy, a good Deep Tissue massage can drastically reduce the changing body of a pregnant woman. When you’re going through all of these changes, you have the physical changes and the hormonal changes. The physical is what we can ease.


When you’re growing a baby, your hips expand, your chest gets larger, your belly gets larger, and you have water retention. All of this pulls on your lower back, your mid-back, your upper back, your neck, your shoulders–basically everything–differently. Muscles that you didn’t use as much are now in high gear. Not to mention a significant portion of your brain power is taken up by automatically growing a human.


Things to look out for:

We are all trained to ensure your massage is safe for you and for baby. But we mainly want to make sure that you are taking action and ensuring that no matter where you go, you are safe during your pregnancy.


If any of these happen to you or a loved one is trying to help you feel more comfortable and they do it, please ask them to stop.


If you are an expecting mother and you need some relief, we have many options for you. If you’re worried about lying on your back, stomach, or side, we have options. We will always work with where you are in your pregnancy and make sure you feel comfortable.


Give us a call or text at (970) 286-0033 to book your next session, or you can hop online anytime.


**Please note that if you are high risk or are prone to blood clots, you should get permission from your OBGYN prior to receiving massage. If you EVER have questions about your specific experience, please ask your doctor before scheduling an appointment.**

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